…Blood still marked the hood like little streamers of black lace running towards the windshield wiper gutters. Bloody flecks were spattered across the seat and steering wheel. And the instrument panel was buckled inwards, cracking the clock and speedometer dials. …And there was dust and glass and plastic flakes everywhere inside.
一流的打光、摄影、构图机智幽默的对话优美的风景;神级配乐古典乐和电子乐交织在一起竟也和剧情天衣无缝般衔接起来原来一个人既可以做到离经叛道又可以极端保守虔诚;E5的“sexy and I know it”;E8的高光时刻;E9哭成孩子的裘花;剧终的群像...虽然不懂宗教也有太多地方没看明白96久久欧美极品少妇XXXXⅩ现在也想去Vatican感受一番了;ps :配角红衣主教们也都有血有肉活脱脱像从油画作品中走出来似的;wuli裘花还是讲英音更好听啊
对Ruth女儿的印象反而更深刻母女在路边等车的时候遭到旁边男性工人的语言调戏母亲说不搭理就好但女儿直直地走到工人们面前骂开了跟母亲说不能接受这种语言侮辱 在争取平权这件事上女儿说:“一件事情一百年都失败了所以人们就要放弃努力吗” 这种勇气大概便是When they go low,we go high.