The Outpost is a fair war drama film that severely lacks character development; as such you aren't able to get to know them intimately so you don't develop a bond with them throughout the course of the film, making them dull and forgettable. The action battle sequences was pretty intense in the climax.
最让我震惊的是片头的this is a true story美国当时的黑暗与城市的发达令人难以置信但这是实事疯人院的事更是又飞越疯人院佐证好可怕不知道现在的中国是不是这个样
“In Santa Monica, all the people got modern names Like Jake or Mandy And modern bodies too” 这里是66号公路的终点被亲切唤作母亲之路最近日本MV字幕免费观看视频是西进运动的真实写照 终于看到了美国导演拍的伟大西部片其意义使我泪目