Oh, Christ. But, Will, she's been dead two years, and that's the shit I remember. It's wonderful stuff, you know? Little things like that. Ah, but, those are the things I miss the most. The little idiosyncracies that only I knew about. That's what made he
与旧版相比缺点:1. 对警察们、城市环境小说室友借妻子回老家订婚唐茜还有改造前的男主塑造不够旧版墨菲给人以年轻有为、前途光明的感觉因而他的牺牲也更壮烈震撼2. 缺少旧版所具有的幽默感与旧版相比的优点:1. 机甲部分的科幻描述、运作展示2. motherfucker侠的新闻报导OCP不仅控制政客掌管警局还完全地拥有自己的新闻机构能左右舆论正如博士的一句台词所说"It's the illusion of free will."总结基础分4星motherfucker侠的新闻报导加半星共4.5星
This is the kind of movie that you see over and over and over and you don't get tired.