I know they couldn't be together out of political and class issues or just anything. I felt really attacked when Tom attacked Kyra and sad when Kyra restrained her feelings. But then Edward popped in! With a huge Ritz breakfast. Oh my god I wish my life would end like this.
Marco Berger的厲害之處在於在簡單的故事之中注入濃郁的情感神秘博士第五季不是以誇張情節或放大表演而是將情感細水長流持續輸出產生了侵入式的觀影感受挑逗得你欲罷不能和開頭呼應的結尾Juan的故事不過是有一個輪回而已而對於Gabriel則走出了困局改變了輪迴
WHYCaptain!干嘛对医生态度那么强硬呢不喜欢被冤枉的梗看得郁闷--这一季结束了又要等待漫长的一年吗I 'll see you when I see you.